SMS Birthdays

Now you can automatically send SMS with birthday greetings! And with the message which also contains the recipient's name. You must enter the names and mobile numbers to be able to send SMS, create the text thatit will eventually be personalized with the name. If there are many birthdays, it is possible to send a file containing all the names/numbers

New Birthday

New SMS Birthday
You must enter the name, month and day of birth and the mobile phone number. The name is not mandatory, but without this data the SMS message cannot be customized.

Birthday List

Update / Delete SMS Birthday

The birthday list allows you to edit and delete birthday data

Birthday Update

Birthday SMS update

Correct/modify the text and click on the "Update" button to register the modified data

Birthday Delete

Birthday SMS delete

Click on the "Confirm Deletion" button to cancel the birthday.

Birthday Templates

Birthday SMS Templates

The text to be sent via SMS can be different for men and women. Furthermore, if you have also entered the names of the recipients, it is possible to personalize themthe text by entering the name. To do this, place the placeholder <#NOME#> written in capital letters at the point where you want the text to be inserted.

Import Birthdays

Import SMS Birthdays

If you have many birthdays and an archive on your computer, you can register them directly by creating an excel file that contains all the data